"The Immanent Frame," the Social Science Research Council’s new blog on secularism, religion, and the public sphere, has chosen to kick off its posting with a series dedicated to Charles Taylor's A Secular Age. "The Immanent Frame" boasts a roster of well-regarded authors, including Robert Bellah, our own Akeel Bilgrami, and Taylor himself. In the weeks ahead, they will be continuing their focus on A Secular Age, debating Jürgen Habermas’s recent work on religion in the public sphere, opening a discussion of Mark Lilla’s The Stillborn God, and pursuing the question of secular criticism--with forthcoming posts from Gil Anidjar, Talal Asad, Robert Bellah, Rajeev Bhargava, Craig Calhoun, Hent de Vries, Amy Hollywood, Janet Jakobsen, Hans Joas, Tomoko Masuzawa, Thomas McCarthy, Ann Pellegrini, Leigh Schmidt, and others.